Monthly Archives: August 2015

Southern Quote of the Day(SQTD):It’s a Cold Wind that Never Changes!

I remember like yesterday, mama would talkto friends on the phone or try to get a point across to daddy and she would often say; “It’s a cold wind that never changes!”  Like most southern- fried quotes, I pondered this much of my childhood to young adulthood.  I recently have come to appreciate the deep meaning of this quote.  In this miraculous universe that we are blessed with; it revolves and changes.  God made the seasons to change from winter to summer and in between.  Seasons are also comparable to life changes.  It’s natural progression and revolution/evolution ( whatever your flavor).  Hence, if something or someone never changes; it’s considered cold, unforgiving, brutal, stubborn and not progressive.  

Be careful not to become a cold wind….Progress and evolve!  Be relevant in each season!


Southern Quote of The Day (SQTD):  Like a Dog Sitting on a Haystack in a Pasture!

Today I overheard a conservation between a elderly woman and a young man. She had a situation involving a family member that she was desperately trying to explain. In the midst of her giving description, she dramatically said, “just like a dog sitting on an haystack in a pasture!” This caught my attention and started my thought process.  As relevant to her conversation; I realized she was making an analogy about a stubborn and selfish person.  As we know; dogs don’t usually eat hay but horses do. So if a dog is sitting on a haystack…. the dog is out of place and probably just trying to block the horse from getting to its food source.  

We all have encountered people with this nature.  They don’t really want a certain thing but don’t want anyone else to have it either. Furthermore, that certain thing could be detrimental to someone else or to a situation.  The analogy of it being a Dog would be synonymous with having a dogmatic personality( having a strong set in ways, doctrine, opinion…etc).  Additionally, having the characteristic of being territorial like a dog.

So if you ever hear quote, you will know what it means.  FYI…. This is a famous Chinese proverb…but it got southern-fried. 

So Hopefully no one will be making this analogy about you!

Have a Gooden,
