Southern Quote of the Day(SQTD):It’s a Cold Wind that Never Changes!

I remember like yesterday, mama would talkto friends on the phone or try to get a point across to daddy and she would often say; “It’s a cold wind that never changes!”  Like most southern- fried quotes, I pondered this much of my childhood to young adulthood.  I recently have come to appreciate the deep meaning of this quote.  In this miraculous universe that we are blessed with; it revolves and changes.  God made the seasons to change from winter to summer and in between.  Seasons are also comparable to life changes.  It’s natural progression and revolution/evolution ( whatever your flavor).  Hence, if something or someone never changes; it’s considered cold, unforgiving, brutal, stubborn and not progressive.  

Be careful not to become a cold wind….Progress and evolve!  Be relevant in each season!


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